The project has employed a set of complementary research actions encompassing several conservational, curatorial, and pedagogic mediations that aim to maintain, and where possible, augment the status quo of traditional making in 

the four case study contexts, and secure conditions for sustained intergenerational and interdisciplinary transfer of the associated specialized knowledge. 


The project’s approach to the revivification of the craft and small-scale industrial practices has considered ‘identity’ as a decisive factor in the dignified recovery of cultural and socioeconomic values. Its actions have thus emphasized on: rescuing sui generis materials, documents, testimonies, and historical facts that may otherwise be lost or forgotten; recognizing the processes and narratives of these industries and crafts as a heritage in themselves; 

communicating the allegorical and historical values that are intrinsic to these contexts, and arguing for their distinctive uniqueness in present times; experimenting with the hybridization of materials and aesthetics from different study contexts, in order to obtain new product and market prospects as well as foster a collaborative network geared towards mutual support and innovation. 


The project has produced two institutional publications during its period of implementation: The book “Anti-Amnesia” discusses the project objectives, methodologies, and attained strategic, pedagogic and creative outcomes, alongside their future scope. It also provides personal insights from project members and advisors regarding the multidisciplinarity of the project’s outcomes, and its relevance to cultural conservation and the research and pedagogy of design. The book “Tilegeist” documents action research pertaining to the revitalisation of tile craft: through a critical inventory of classic designs, an aesthetic and semantic reinvention by researchers and designers, and a re-calibration of formal perception and expectations.

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The project produced an institutional video that compiles testimonial insights from project partners, advisors, and researchers regarding the research theme, process, and significance.


The project has employed a set of complementary research actions encompassing several conservational, curatorial, and pedagogic mediations that aim to maintain, and where possible, augment the status quo of traditional making in the four case study contexts, and secure conditions for sustained intergenerational and interdisciplinary transfer of the associated specialized knowledge. 






The project’s approach to the revivification of the craft and small-scale industrial practices has considered ‘identity’ as a decisive factor in the dignified recovery of cultural and socioeconomic values. Its actions have thus emphasized on: rescuing sui generis materials, documents, testimonies, and historical facts that may otherwise be lost or forgotten; recognizing the processes and narratives of these industries and crafts as a heritage in themselves; communicating the allegorical and historical values that are intrinsic to these contexts, and arguing for their distinctive uniqueness in present times; experimenting with the hybridization of materials and aesthetics from different study contexts, in order to obtain new product and market prospects as well as foster a collaborative network geared towards mutual support and innovation. 


The project has produced two institutional publications during its period of implementation: The book “Anti-Amnesia” discusses the project objectives, methodologies, and attained strategic, pedagogic and creative outcomes, alongside their future scope. It also provides personal insights from project members and advisors regarding the multidisciplinarity of the project’s outcomes, and its relevance to cultural conservation and the research and pedagogy of design. The book “Tilegeist” documents action research pertaining to the revitalisation of tile craft: through a critical inventory of classic designs, an aesthetic and semantic reinvention by researchers and designers, and a re-calibration of formal perception and expectations.

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The project produced an institutional video that compiles testimonial insights from project partners, advisors, and researchers regarding the research theme, process, and significance.